This is the beginning of a grand experiment. Well, perhaps not quite grand. I have decided to take a crack at producing a film. I’ve produced a few low- to no-budget short films before, but they are not anything I would use in a demo reel. The idea this time is different.
The idea is to take the time to do it right (and while holding down a full-time job that could be quite a long time) and document the process along the way. The idea is to involve people with more skill in particular areas than I myself possess. The idea is to con them into invite them to contribute to this blog as well. The idea is to invite readers of this blog to offer their suggestions and criticisms of the work-in-progress at various stages.
Got all that? It’s three main ideas:
1. Document the process of creating a film (hopefully a good one).
2. Invite cast and crew to post about their experiences working on the film in progress.
3. Post parts of the creative work itself and get feedback from you, the readers.
So in the process of involving people with more skill than myself, the first step will be to find some writers. Particularly one with a good logline in mind. I have at least one writer on my shortlist already. Next step: bring him on board. Stay tuned…