Palindrome’s post about Rebranding got me thinking. This blog has evolved to be about more than just the independent film scene. As young professionals in the media industry, we have naturally come to focus on the next wave of opportunities for those who create media. Whether storytellers, citizen journalists, documentarians, or activists, the landscape is changing for anyone who creates media. It seems silly to have a blog named after a medium that will be mostly a relic to the next generation of media creators.
In an era where iPhones and other portable video players are creating new outlets for creative folk it seems more natural to focus on the future of media than it’s past. The excitement of living in an age when digital reproduction and distribution has eroded the marginal cost of delivering one’s creations to the masses (or niches) encompasses far more than the realm bounded by the concept of “indie film”. To that end, I have looked at several new URLs for this blog, but found all of them taken; most by people who haven’t actually bothered to do much but squat on them.
The process of defining and redefining what we explore will likely continue indefinitely, but the tipping point for switching URL approaches as we gain readers. At some point it becomes more trouble than it is worth to change that part of the brand. Thus, our current goal is to find and claim a URL that will encompass all the discussions we post, rather than one that implies a confinement to a single medium.