Just received this email from MoveOn.org. Looks like a great opportunity for the more politically inclined filmmakers out there.
Today, we’re launching an ad contest called “Obama in 30 Seconds.” Anyone can make an ad about Obama between now and April 1. The public will vote on the best ads, and a panel of top artists, film professionals, and netroots heroes will pick a winner from among the finalists. (Judges include Matt Damon, Ben Affleck, Naomi Wolf, Oliver Stone, John Legend, Donna Edwards, and Markos Moulitsas. The full list is below.)
We’ll air the winning Obama ad nationally, and the winner will receive a gift certificate for $20,000 in video equipment. Whether you’re definitely interested or need time to think about it, let us know—we’ll keep you in the loop as the contest proceeds. Get contest details, sign up, and watch a short video of MoveOn’s Eli Pariser describing the contest by clicking here:
There you have it. Visit the site for details and take your shot at $20,000 in video equipment.