Last weekend was the 48 Hour Film Project in DC. This weekend we’re bringing you interviews from several team leaders who participated last weekend. Our first interview is with first time 48 Hour participant Jasmine Bulin.

Still Indie: So, how did you get involved in the 48 Hour Film Project?
Jasmine Bulin: I heard about the project about three years ago and have been pining to do it ever since. Finally this year I signed myself up as a team leader and just hoped I could get my friends to help me out in time.
SI: What genre were you hoping for and which one did your team draw?
JB: I was crossing my fingers for “buddy film” or “mockumentary.” Since our team’s mission was to have a good time during the 48 hours, not to win, we were hoping for a genre we could easily inject our comedic spirit into. I drew “holiday film” out of the hat as our genre, but we still had some great ideas, and it wasn’t hard to incorporate the 3 common elements; Eve or Ivan Pagoda, Coach (the character), ID Card (prop), and “We’re hoping things will change.” (the line of dialogue).
SI: What story did you tell?
JB: After the Kickoff, where we recieved all the elements, my entire group met to brainstorm and vote on the story we felt the strongest about telling. An obscure holiday, Make a Difference Day, won out, so we told the story of a man at a low point in his life trying to do good on that day while incorporating some slapstick moments where his good intentions go wrong.
SI: What was the biggest challenge your team faced?
JB: The biggest challenge was not time. It was definitely maintaining focus. There was plenty of time for drama in the 48 hours and I learned a lot about how I should do it next time. My advice to any 48hfp newbies out there is to set specific jobs/responsibilities for everyone, maintain a simple schedule, and choose the direction you want for the film. I heard several comments from other team leaders about how they should have been more involved in the writing process.
SI: What was the best moment of the weekend?
JB: The best moment, hands down, was when we got to film the scene we were all anticipating: rolling one of our characters down a big hill in a wheelchair. I think we did 20 takes just because it was so much fun and after finishing the film I think it is the best scene. I still laugh at it.
SI: Will you be participating again next year?
JB: When I was turning the film in, I wasn’t sure whether I would ever participate again. I had fun, but the drama… oh the drama! With a new strategy I think I will do it again next year and you may see one of my films in another 48hfp city this year.
Thanks Jasmine for giving us a view into your team’s process! To see photos of Jasmine’s team at work, check out their Facebook photo album. Be sure to check back with us tomorrow when we’ll hear from a 48HFP veteran. If you’ve got questions for Jasmine or her team, please submit them in the comments section below.
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